Dog Training Classes in Macomb County, MI

Dog training classes are imperative for teaching obedience. If you are looking at dog training classes in your area, there are a few things that you should know beforehand. Finding the right dog training classes for your pet is important so that you learn how the dog responds to certain behavior on your own end. These classes are also good because they will show you how to combat bad behavior with positive reinforcement. Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for dog training classes.

Class Size

The class size is going to be very important for your decision. Having other pets around while you are trying to learn about their obedience can be trying for curious dogs. The class size should not exceed more than 6-7 dogs at a time. If the class sizes are too large, you will not get the best attention for your own dog. Go with a class that has smaller class sizes so you will get hands on experience with the instructor. Ask the instructor about private classes if you feel your dog would benefit from these more than a group class.


Ask the instructor if you can observe a session before you purchase the dog training classes. If the instructor will not let you observe the class then you should probably go with somebody else. Observing the class is something that will show you how the instructor deals with disobedient dogs. Does the instructor get frustrated with the dogs that aren’t responding? Watch the instructor to make sure they are doing their job and staying patient with their customers.

The Technique

The technique that the instructor uses should use positive reinforcement. If the technique does not allow different techniques for different dogs then you should go with a different dog training class. The technique should allow the instructor to change things up for dogs that aren’t responding. The technique should be simple enough for you to be able to utilize it in your own home. You should see improvement in your dog’s behavior after one class. Not to say that your dog will be completely trained, but aspects of your dog’s behavior should be better.

Dog Training Classes available in:

Grosse Pointe, Shelby Township, Chesterfield, Macomb, Clinton Township, Romeo, Washington Twp., Sterling Hts. and surrounding areas.

Call 586.580.3684 to schedule your consultation or fill out the request form below